The Kingdom Of God System
FOUNDATION STATEMENT: The Kingdom of God system works on the seedtime harvest principle. – Mark 4:26-30 I. The world has been more wise in working their system than we have been in working our system (Luke 16:1-8) A. The world has been more wise in doing wrong than...
The Word-Seed
FOUNDATION STATEMENT: In the Kingdom of God system the Word-Seed carries the power-potential to produce a harvest. – Luke 8:11 I. In the Kingdom of God system the Word is the Seed (Luke 8:11, Mark 4:14) A. The Bible is not a book of rules it’s a bag of seed 1. When...
Words Becoming Things
FOUNDATION STATEMENT: Word-seed will become physical things when they are sent to the ground of our hearts and developed into fully persuaded faith. – Hebrews 11:3, John 1:14 I. Word-seeds will manifest themselves as physical things A. When you’re talking about God’s...
Words: The Key Issue
FOUNDATION STATEMENT: Your life is a sum total of the words that you’ve sown in your heart. The Words that you spend time looking at, listening to, and speaking are THE KEY ISSUE in life – Proverbs 4:20-23 I. Your life is a product of the words that you’ve sowed into...
The Battle Of Words
FOUNDATION STATEMENT: There’s a battle going on for what words are sown in your heart. Whoever wins the Battle of Words, will ultimately win the fight of faith. – Proverbs 4:20-24 I. Battles are won and lost with the words that you spend time sowing A. The Children of...
The Ground Of The Heart
FOUNDATION STATEMENT: Your heart is the production center of your life. Whatever you send to it in the form of a word-seed, it will produce in your life. – Matthew 12:33-35 I. In the Kingdom of God system the soil/ground is your heart. Your heart is designed to be the...
The Tree Of Your Belief
FOUNDATION STATEMENT: What you have in life is coming from the tree of your belief in your heart. In the Kingdom of God system the tree that yields the fruit is your belief. The belief in your heart produces what you have in life. Your life is a product of what you...
The Power Of The Faith Tree
FOUNDATION STATEMENT: As a believer your life has no choice but to line up with what you believe in your heart. – Proverbs 23:7 I. Spiritual law says whatever I believe in my heart I am in life (Proverbs 23:7) A. As a man believes in his heart so is he 1. Proverbs...
Making The Tree Good
FOUNDATION STATEMENT: To see change in our lives we must play our part by changing what we believe. – Matthew 12:33 I. Make the tree good. (Matthew 12:33). A. There’s a tree or belief on the inside of all of us that’s producing fruit or the results in our lives 1. The...
Developing Your Faith Tree
FOUNDATION STATEMENT: The tree of faith has to develop to the place of full persuasion if it is ever going to produce results in your life. There’s a process the Word-Seed must go through if it’s going to manifest in our lives. – Hebrews 4:2 I. If we don’t take this...
Examining Your Faith
FOUNDATION STATEMENT: In the Kingdom of God system, it is vitally important that we examine our faith and prove our faith if we want to see that faith produce results in our lives. Is it really faith? – 2 Corinthians 13:5 I. We have to get out of self-deception where...
The Unbelief Problem
FOUNDATION STATEMENT: God has provided everything that we would ever need that pertains to life and godliness, but if we operate with unbelief in our hearts, that unbelief will keep us from those things that are rightfully ours. – Hebrews 3:19 (AMP) I. Unbelief (the...
How to Sow the Word-Seed
FOUNDATION STATEMENT: As believers we have to know how to sow the word properly so that we can reset our belief and see results in our lives – Joshua 1:8 I. 8 keys to meditating the Word (Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:1-3) A. As you expose yourself to the Word of God your faith...