
The Anointing Connector

FOUNDATION STATEMENT: It is a lifestyle of love and faith that will lead us to a life that is far from oppression. It’s when we violate that lifestyle of love and faith that the anointing stops working and the oppression begins. – Galatians 5:6 I. If victory is ever...

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Fearless Faith

FOUNDATION STATEMENT: This care free life is developed through a lifestyle of love and faith-Romans 4:16 I. As believers to access the anointing and live in victory we must walk in fully persuaded faith A. Faith is designed to be our victory that overcomes the world...

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The Law Of Abundance

The Law Of Abundance

As believers, if we are ever going to experience abundance in our lives, then the law of love must be released. God’s desire has always been for mankind to live an abundant life. Our Heavenly Father wants us to be abundantly prosperous in every area of our lives. The...

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Love And Faith

Love And Faith

A lifestyle of love and faith is a victorious way of life. When believers take an uncompromising stand on the Word of God and root themselves in the love of God they are positioned to access the anointing of God and see victory in their lives. In this power series...

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Fear Not, Believe Only

FOUNDATION STATEMENT: Fear not, believe only is the process that believers must go through to end at destination called victory. It’s a lifestyle of love and faith that enable believers to walk in the fullness of what God has for them. – Luke 8 I. Fear not, believe...

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Receiving Grace

FOUNDATION STATEMENT: As believers it's our ability to abound in the grace of God that will determine the amount of prosperity that we walk in. If we desire to abound to every good work then we must live a lifestyle of love and faith, positioning ourselves to abound...

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Resting In Love & Faith

FOUNDATION STATEMENT: When you enter into the rest of love and faith you activate spiritual things in your life. It’s when you get out of love and faith and into fear, that you contaminate the whole system. Our job is to fear not and believe only. God has set the...

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Who You Are, What You Have

Who You Are, What You Have

There is nothing more powerful than confessing the Word of God over your life. This month’s declaration of faith contains statements from scripture that will help you realize your position and identity in Christ. These scriptures will help you understand what is rightfully yours as a Child of God. We encourage you to download this declaration of faith, print it off, and put in your prayer closet, your “throne room”, your refrigerator, or wherever it is that you will see and read these passages of scriptures every day.

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Who You Are, What You Have

Who You Are, What You Have

I AM more than a conqueror through God who loves me (Rom 8:37). I AM a world-overcomer (1 Jn 5:4). I AM created in the image of God (Gen 1:26). I AM a vessel who carries the spirit of God and the power of God. (Rom 5:5). I HAVE everything that God has poured out on...

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Who You Are, What You Have

Who You Are, What You Have

I AM more than a conqueror through God who loves me (Rom 8:37). I AM a world-overcomer (1 Jn 5:4). I AM created in the image of God (Gen 1:26). I AM a vessel who carries the spirit of God and the power of God. (Rom 5:5). I HAVE everything that God has poured out on...

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Divine Protection

Divine Protection

I dwell in the secret place of the Most High and I abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  God is my refuge, my fortress, and I trust Him with all my heart.  He covers me with His protection and delivers me from every evil attack.  No evil befalls me, neither does...

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Healing For Your Body

Healing For Your Body

I am a healed person by the stripes that are on Jesus’ back (1 Peter 2:24) and the weapon of sickness will not prosper against my body (Isaiah 54:17).  I have no fear of sickness and disease. A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but...

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Your Identity In Christ

Your Identity In Christ

I am created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26, Ephesians 4:24). I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. Old things have passed away and all things have become new. I am a son of God born again with the life of God imparted into my spirit (2 Corinthians...

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Reverence & Rewards

Reverence & Rewards

Lord, I reverence You, I honor You, I respect You, I appreciate You, I defer to You, I stand in awe of You, and I am deeply devoted and committed to You.  Lord, I reverence You and it is the root to my character life.  I do what’s right in Your eyes because I...

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Victory For Any Situation

Victory For Any Situation

Thanks be unto God who gives me the victory and causes me to triumph in every situation (2 Corinthians 2:14, 1 Corinthians 15:57). No matter what I face today I am more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37). I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me. The very...

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God is my provider, the source of my financial supply, and I do not lack financially (Psalm 23:1, Philippians 4:19). Father, I thank You that Your grace is abounding towards me in the area of my finances and I always have more than enough financially no matter what...

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A Life Of Obedience

A Life Of Obedience

Lord, as an act of my will I take my rightful place under You in rank, and I submit to You.  I recognize You as my superior and out of reverence for you I submit to You.  I understand that there is rank in Your Kingdom. You are greater than me in rank.  I recognize...

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Total Life Prosperity

Total Life Prosperity

I am redeemed from the curse of the law (Galatians 3:13). I am healed from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. Every part of my body works the way God created it to work (1 Peter 2:24, Psalm 103:3). I am delivered from all sin, addiction and bondage (Romans...

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Family, Friends, Children

Family, Friends, Children

Father I thank You that You are drawing every one of my friends and family to Jesus (John 6:44).  I thank You Lord that You are healing their hearts and binding their wounds (Psalm 147:3). I thank You Lord that their eyes are opened to the truth and that You are...

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Doing What’s Right

Doing What’s Right

I am a person of character and I do what is right because it’s right.  I do what’s right when it’s not comfortable, not fun, and not easy.  God is right, His judgments are right, and His ways are right.  Apart from God and His Word, I cannot do right.  To think, talk,...

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