
Overcoming Fear

Overcoming Fear

God is for me, He is on my side and I do not fear (Psalm 118:6). I refuse to yield to fear, to let my heart be troubled, or to worry about anything (John 14:27). I do not have the spirit of fear.  I have the Spirit of love, of power, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy...

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Good Relationships

Good Relationships

I love other people today the way that Jesus loves me (John 13:34).  I extend the same kindness, compassion, and love towards others that the Father has extended towards me.  I thank You Lord that Your love is abounding in me more and more everyday (Philippians 1:9)....

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Right Living

Right Living

I refuse to oppose, to disobey, and to take arms against my Master.  I don’t violate what I know in my heart is right.  When I know what’s right I do what’s right no matter what the cost and that moves the power of Heaven in my...

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Character & Protection

Character & Protection

I thank You Lord that You are my protector.  I make the connection between the character I operate in, and the protection that I have in my life.  Character watches over me, shields me, and protects me from evil.  I refuse to grant Satan access into my life by having...

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No More Fear

No More Fear

I do not have the spirit of fear.  I have the spirit of love of power and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). I am free from fear (Romans 8:15). God is on my side and I do not fear (Psalm 118:6).  I fear no man, no circumstance, and no situation.  I don’t fear sickness. ...

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You Are Equipped

You Are Equipped

I have mountain moving, world overcoming faith that enables me to accomplish impossible things (Romans 12:3, Mark 9:23, 11:23, 1 John 5:4). I keep my mind fixed on the Word of God and God keeps me in perfect peace. Jesus gave me His peace and I have the peace of God...

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The Peace Of God

The Peace Of God

I have the peace of God. I refuse to be stressed-out, worried, or anxious about anything. Jesus left me his peace and I have it.  The peace that God has given to me is a peace that the world cannot give. (John 14:27). I have peace that passes all understanding...

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Living Like Jesus

Living Like Jesus

I have received God’s call to character. I do not take that call lightly. I do not accept faults in character and deem them as my personality. Any part of me that’s not like Jesus has to change and get in line with what He’s like. I am ever in the process of changing...

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Debt Deliverance

Debt Deliverance

In the name of Jesus I have no debt in my life.  I owe no man nothing but to love him. (Romans 13:8).  The Lord is my provider and I am not in debt nor do I lack in any good area of my life (Psalm 23:1).  I have been redeemed from the curse of debt the same way I have...

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Deliverance From Sin / Addiction

Deliverance From Sin / Addiction

I am free from sin and I stand fast in that freedom (Romans 6:22, Galatians 5:1). Sin does not rule and reign in my body. I do not obey sin and its desires. Sin has no voice and no say in my life. I rule and reign over sin through Jesus Christ. I do not yield any part...

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The Authority Of The Believer

The Authority Of The Believer

I am born of God and I am an overcomer because greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world (1 John 4:4). The Spirit of God lives in me and the supernatural power of God resides on the inside of me (John 14:17, Acts 1:8). I have the same power that raised...

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God First

God First

Lord, I defer to You.  I have a precious regard for Your desires.  I put Your interests first and above my own. I have no desire to please myself.  My greatest desire is to please You. I’m in the Earth to do what pleases You and I defer to You in my words.  Father,...

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Character Development

Character Development

I thank you Lord that I’m the righteousness of God by faith.  I thank you that there is no connection between my character development and my right-standing with You.  I thank you Lord, that as I develop in your character, I’m qualifying for greater rewards, greater...

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Developing In The Love Of God

Developing In The Love Of God

Lord I love you today with all of my heart, all of my soul, all of my mind, all of my strength, I love my neighbor as myself and Father I thank you today that you love me as much as you love Jesus (Matthew 22:37-39, Mark 12:30-31, John 17:23).  Father I love you today...

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A Champion Of Faith

A Champion Of Faith

Champions are determined. Champions don’t make excuses. Champions don’t hesitate. Champions don’t compromise. Champions set their focus on what God has called them to do and no situation or circumstance can deter them from that calling. Champions need no other...

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Character & Prosperity

Character & Prosperity

Lord, I thank You that You are my provider.  I live a character life, and because of it I have great riches in the area of finances.  I dwell in character, and because of it I have an excessive, abounding flow of wealth and prosperity in my life.  I live a character...

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As a believer, there is no place in the Bible that exempts you from experiencing pressure.  I know some people don’t like to hear that, but it is simply the truth.  1 Peter 5:8 tells us that we have an adversary in Satan.  John 10:10 tells us that Satan is the thief...

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A strong spirit is a major key to a productive life in the Kingdom of God.  As a Christian, the condition of your spirit will determine the quality of your life.  If a person gets born-again and makes Jesus the Lord of their life but fails to develop and maintain...

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As believers, it is imperative that we have an intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father.  Our level of intimacy with God will determine how much victory and success we experience in our lives.  You do not have an intimate relationship by default just because you...

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"I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly."  Jesus said this in the tenth chapter of John's gospel and yet there are many born again people who still have lack operating in their lives.  There are people who lack physically in their bodies,...

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