The study notes in this section are Matthew’s personal outlines and therefore they have not been edited. As a result, you will find some grammatical errors.
As a believer, when you are born again you are born a spiritual baby. It is the will of God that spiritual development take place in your life. God does not want you to stay a baby, but rather He wants you to grow up into full grown spiritual adult. Why does God want...
Jesus told us in John 14:1, "Let not your heart be troubled." We never have to be troubled, upset or distressed about anything. If our hearts are troubled it is because we allowed it. The thought that we never have to be troubled about anything passes human...
The Biggest Thing
It’s an amazing thing to think that God has a great plan for your life. As believers, we have been sent by God from Heaven to accomplish something for Him in the Earth. Without discovering what God has sent you to do and doing it, you cannot experience fulfillment in...
How To Love
Most believers have heard, "you need to walk in love" and a more true statement, there could not be. However, it is one thing to know that you need to walk in love, but it is another thing to actually know how to walk in love. The Word of God gives us strategy of how...
To honor God is to value Him and His things above everything else. God promises us in His Word that those who honor him, He will honor. As believers, we can trigger more honor from God by simply developing honor for him in our lives. In this powerful teaching, you...
The Might Of The Light
Deception is Satan's greatest weapon against the believer. If Satan can get believers to yield to his lies it gives him access to oppress them and destroy their lives. In this powerful teaching, you learn about the value of the light. You will gain insight into...
The Spirit Of Faith
For the believer, faith is our means of success and victory in every situation that we face. However, faith cannot just be something we do, but it must become who we are. In this series, we are learning how to obtain the Spirit of Faith. We are endeavoring to get to...
Adapt Or Die
In the life of a believer correction is the norm. In God’s love for us, He corrects us to protect us from destruction. We have two choices when God corrects us. Number one, we can humble ourselves, receive it, repent and not perish. Number two, we can harden...
Out Of This World
As believers, it is vitally important that we live our lives totally dependent on God. We are to trust God and look to Him in every situation we face. The essence of the world’s system is that man tries to meet his own needs without God. In the Kingdom of God, we do...
Faith And Authority
As a believer, God has given you authority and power to live a victorious life. You do not have to be oppressed and overpowered by the devil in any area. It is vital that we recognize our authority as believers. You have the authority and the final say regarding every...
God Of Prosperity
God’s desire to prosper His people stems from His overwhelming love for His people. One of the main ways God loves on us is by prospering us. When God’s love is manifesting in the lives of believers it always results in the prosperity of believers. Because God is a...
Victory In Troubled Times
As believers, we will not find one verse in the Bible that exempts us from pressure or trying circumstances. There are, however, many verses in the Bible that exempt us from being defeated in the midst of the pressured situation. You may be experiencing pressure...
Seeing & Hearing
One of the most important things that you can learn as a believer is how to hear God's voice and receive direction from Him for your life. The Holy Spirit will lead us into a life of freedom where we are experiencing all that God has prepared for us. However, if He...
When it comes to the topic of tithing people often have many questions. Do I have to tithe? What will happen to me if I don't tithe? Do I have to tithe to prosper financially? The good news is that we can find the answers to those questions in the Word of God. As we...
It was never God’s plan for life to be hard for the man He created. In fact, in God’s plan He intended for man to live his life on the Earth covered and surrounded by an atmosphere of ease. The reality is that in this world there will be trials, tests, persecutions,...
Seeing Jesus
As believers, it is vitally important that we see Jesus. It is imperative that we have a working revelation of who Jesus is and how He functioned in His life and ministry on the Earth. People have tendency in their minds to create a Jesus that they like and one who is...
As a Christian, it’s imperative that we live our lives led by the Holy Spirit. Our success in life is largely connected to our sensitivity to The Holy Spirit and our willingness to yield to His voice. In this powerful series, you will gain an understanding of how to...
No More Sad
As believers, it is imperative that we completely rid our lives of sorrow. If the enemy can wedge sorrow into the life of Christian defeat becomes inevitable. However, if we will obey God and do what He has told us to do in His Word, then we can live lives that our...
Righteousness Revealed
As a believer when you were born-again you were made the righteousness of God. Jesus presented you before the Father innocent, faultless, and without guilt before God. In this powerful series, you will see your righteousness in ways that you never have before. As you...
Be Strong
As believers, we have been commanded by God to be strong. In God’s Kingdom, God never designed for us to be a weak people who serve a strong God. God desires for us to be a strong people who serve a strong God. When we are strong we can resist the devil, see him flee,...
The Champion Spirit
As believers, we cannot walk the victory that Jesus provided if our spirits are weak. In all of our lives there are going to be times when we don’t feel like doing what the Word of God says. At those times it’s vital that our spirits our strong so that we can rise up...
Led By The Holy Spirit
As a Christian, it’s imperative that we live our lives led by the Holy Spirit. Our success in life is largely connected to our sensitivity to The Holy Spirit and our willingness to yield to His voice. Jesus told us the Holy Spirit would guide us into all the truth. In...
The Law Of Life
Why am I not seeing the results that I desire? How do I create the life I want? These questions are answered in this series entitled The Law Of Life. Jesus compared the laws of the Kingdom of God to the laws of natural farming. He taught us that the Word of God is...
Grace and Faith
It’s imperative that believers know how to receive from God. We serve a God Who wants us to have good things, but if we don’t know how to receive those things from Him, we will not experience them in our lives. Everything that God gives to the believer is given as an...
God’s Good Grace
The grace of God is everything in the life of a believer. It is the answer to every question, the solution to every problem, and the provision to meet any need. As believers, we don’t just need grace to get saved, we need grace in our everyday lives. It is God’s will...
An Attitude Of Gratitude
As a believer, it is vitally important that you cultivate a lifestyle of thanksgiving. Cultivating a lifestyle of thanksgiving will open you up to a life in God that is beyond your greatest dreams. In this powerful series, you will learn how to cultivate a lifestyle...
In John 17:17, Jesus prayed that we would be kept from evil while we were in the Earth. It’s God’s plan that you live in this world unharmed by evil. Tragedy and destruction are not the will of God for the believer. In Psalm 91 the psalmist wrote that a thousand may...
The Significance Of Words
The Word of God tells us that death and life are in the power of the tongue. In this powerful series, you will see from the Word of God how significant your words really are. You will learn how to load your heart with God’s Word, speak it out of your mouth, and see it...
Do Not Be Afraid
God commanded us in His Word over 200 times to not be afraid and it’s imperative that we obey this command. As believers, we can experience victory over fear. The reality is that everybody is going to have fearful thoughts and emotions from time to time, but nobody...
No More Fear
Fear is a destructive force that will deactivate God’s power in your life and open the door for Satan to oppress you. As believers, it’s imperative that we do not tolerate fear. To do what God has called us to do and to walk in the victory that He has provided for us,...
Christ In You
Believers have the power on the inside of them to reach their most exalted state and their most glorious condition in life. Through that power believers have the ability to live an excellent life that is full of God’s goodness. In this powerful series, you will learn...
Overcoming Identity Theft
The Bible tells us that when we get born again old things pass away, all things become new and we become a new species of being. Consequently, when you get born again you don’t know who you are. Therefore, you must be introduced to the “new you,” and discover your new...
Prosperity Truth
It’s been God’s will from the beginning of time that His man prosper in abundance. Over the years, the enemy has lied to believers about financial prosperity, and through those lies, he’s kept the church from walking in the level of prosperity that God has for them....
Money’s Proper Place
As believers, it’s vitally important that we give money its proper place in our lives. We must go to the Word of God, get God’s perspective on money, and then have that perspective in our lives. In this powerful series, you’ll find out from the Word of God how to give...
Prosperity Principles
As a believer what must you do to prosper financially? There is a law of prosperity in the word of God that says if you do these certain things you will prosper financially. It’s God’s will that we prosper financially, but until we get involved in the principles that...
The Fullness Of Faith
Many believers aren’t seeing God’s Word come to pass in their lives because they are not walking in the fullness of faith. As believers, we must believe in the reality of God, the ability of God, and the willingness of God. However, we cannot stop there if we want to...
As believers it’s vitally important that we develop a lifestyle of diligence. Diligence to hear and do God’s Word will give us guaranteed success in life. Many believers have been have been saved for years, but have failed to diligently hear and do the Word of God and...
Basic Faith Principles
As believers, we must live by faith if we want to walk in victory. Apart from faith, we cannot live victoriously in the Earth. Faith in God is the way we have success in every situation that life throws our way. In this powerful series, you will be taken back to the...
Every believer that’s walking the planet Earth today has been redeemed from the curse that came on the Earth when Adam sinned. As believers, we are redeemed from sin, sickness, poverty and death. Jesus paid the full price for our redemption and gave it to us by His...
Character And Power
As believers, what’s on the line if we do not develop in the character of God? In this powerful series of teachings, you will learn the importance of developing in character. You will see from the Word of God how developing in character qualifies you for the greater...
Character Basics
As believers we are called to live lives that reflect the exact character of Jesus. Gaining a clear understanding of exactly what the character of Jesus is will enable us to more effectively display that character in our lives. In this powerful series, you will learn...
The Fear Of The Lord
If we are going to bear the fruit of character then the root of the Fear of the Lord must be in place. People who fear God are not afraid of Him, but they reverence Him, they honor Him, and they respect Him. As believers, our character lives flow out of our reverence...
The Character Life
As believers, it is vitally important that we live lives that reflect the character of Jesus. The level of character we walk in will determine the level of protection, prosperity, and power we have in the Earth. In this powerful series, you will learn how to live the...
The Kingdom Rules Over All
God has a system or a way of doing things in the Earth today called The Kingdom of God. When we, as believers, do things God’s way and according to His system we will live successfully in the Earth. In this powerful series, you will learn that through God’s system you...
Kingdom Ambassadors
As believers, we are ambassadors from Heaven sent by God into the Earth. We are here to do government business on behalf of our King. Our assignment is to work God’s system and manifest the supernatural power of God in the Earth. In this dynamic teaching, you will...
Kingdom Provision
As believers, we have been sent into the Earth as ambassadors on assignment from Heaven. Heaven has already provided everything that we would need to complete our assignment in the Earth. In this powerful series, you will learn that the provision for your life is...
Kingdom Principles
There are basic principles that believers must know and apply to operate effectively in the Kingdom of God. If we live the way the world lives we will get the results the world gets. However, if we will function in line with God's way of doing things we will get...
Working The System
God has a system or a way of doing things called the Kingdom of God. This system is the most powerful system in the Earth today. To live victoriously it is vitally important that we learn how to work God’s system. In this powerful series, we learn that the Kingdom of...
Covenant Reality
Without an understanding of The Blood Covenant you will never walk in true understanding of the Word of God, the Faith of God, or the Love of God. When we begin to understand “Blood Covenant” a boldness of faith will rise up in us like never before. As we learn about...
Covenant Identity
Through our covenant with God we have been offered a new identity. When we take on that identity it will produce a confidence in us that will keep us from turning back in the day of battle. In this powerful series, you will gain an understanding of your true identity...
The Love Commandment
The Commandment of Love is the foundation to everything that we do as believers. It is the love of God that makes every blessing, every promise, and every empowerment in the Word of God work. If love stops working in our lives, then nothing else in this Bible can work...
Loving Your Neighbor
As believers, if we are ever going to walk in the power of God and see results in our lives, then we must develop in the character of love. When we begin to develop in the love of God, we qualify ourselves to walk in the power of God. In this powerful series, you will...
The Law Of Abundance
As believers, if we are ever going to experience abundance in our lives, then the law of love must be released. God’s desire has always been for mankind to live an abundant life. Our Heavenly Father wants us to be abundantly prosperous in every area of our lives. The...
Love And Faith
A lifestyle of love and faith is a victorious way of life. When believers take an uncompromising stand on the Word of God and root themselves in the love of God they are positioned to access the anointing of God and see victory in their lives. In this power series...
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