Priority One
FOUNDATION STATEMENT: The Commandment of Love is the vital thing in the life of a believer. It is the thing upon which every promise of God’s word hangs. When this commandment fails & slips in the life of a believer, then every promise, every blessing, & every...
Laying The Foundation
FOUNDATION STATEMENT: As believers to be successful in our endeavors we have to live in divine order. We can’t do things out of order then expect to get the results that God has promised us. To get the result that God wants us to get, we have to lay the foundation...
Keeping The Love Command – Part 1
FOUNDATION STATEMENT: Keeping the commandment of love is a total giving of yourself over to God. Loving God is giving God every word that you speak, giving God every thought that you think, and giving God every action that you take. It’s loving God with every word...
Keeping The Love Command – Part 2
FOUNDATION STATEMENT: We cannot walk in the deception that we have arrived where this commandment of love is concerned. Keeping this commandment is a whole lot more than just being a “good Christian.” The enemy has gotten us to neglect this commandment in our...
Are You Willing To Pay The Price?
FOUNDATION STATEMENT: Violating the commandment of love is not free and it is not cheap, it costs you something. You have to ask yourself am I willing to pay the price to violate the commandment of love? Because the price is this: It will cost you the Word, the...
The Key Issue
FOUNDATION STATEMENT: As believers to be successful in our endeavors we have to live in divine order. We can’t do things out of order then expect to get the results that God has promised us. To get the result that God wants us to get, we have to lay the foundation...
The Mindset On The Love Command
FOUNDATION STATEMENT: As a believer for you to walk in the commandment of love you are first of all going to have to develop a mind that is set on the commandment of love. You got to get to a place where this commandment is on your mind 24/7. -2 Peter 3:1 I. The Way...
The First Response
FOUNDATION STATEMENT: As believers when we are under pressure, the response of love must always be our first response. Responding with the commandment of love will lay the foundation upon which we can build a life of prosperity and success. - Ephesians 6:10 I. If you...
The Foundation To All Success
FOUNDATION STATEMENT: Love is the foundation to all success. Without it you cannot succeed. I. Love’s function is to empower faith so that faith can then function to connect to the anointing, and the anointing will remove the burden, destroy the yoke, and produce...
The Qualification For Power
FOUNDATION STATEMENT: Every believer has access to the power of God, but not every believer qualifies to walk in that power. There are qualifications to walking in the power of God the way there are qualifications to being able to drive an automobile. The...