I’m learning so much from this series (Freedom From Fear). I’m also using it in my Sunday School Bible Class knowing that it will help others get free too. Thank You.
– Cecil, Wisconsin

Earlier this year, I was experiencing some financial difficulties and I did a search on the Internet for financial prayers. I came across your website and I viewed all the items under the study center. I printed out the faith confessions and study notes and I have been reading them as often as I can. As a result, my faith has increased and my life has changed. Out of all the websites out there, I clicked on your link, not by accident, but for a divine reason and purpose. I thank GOD for this ministry that teaches GOD’s word uncompromisingly and with boldness. YES, I want to be a partner!
– Germantown, Tennessee
Thank you for your online messages available in the Study Center. I’ve been listening to them for about a year and they have been some of the timeliest and profound messages I have studied. Some I have listened to over 10 times just to get it down in my spirit.
– Midwest City, Oklahoma
I just wanted to send you a little encouragement and let you know I am enjoying your audio teachings and learning a lot. I happened to come across your website through a search on a religious topic. God bless and if I never meet you on this side of Heaven, I look forward to seeing you on the streets of Heaven where we will have plenty of time to share then!
– Virginia
I would like to thank you for your teaching on The Power of Your Words. It ministered to me greatly. These teachings are anointed and are making a difference in people’s lives.
– Midwest City, Oklahoma

I just wanted to tell you how great your website is. Thanks for teaching me about fear and character. It’s going to change how I live and how I treat people.
– Edwardsville, IL
I “accidentally” just found you on the web. Your ministry is awesome!!! My husband and I are now putting to use the steps you put on your audio teachings. Its manifestation time in the Body of Christ. God’s blessings on your family and ministry.
– New York
Thank you for your help with the Word of God. I found your website this morning. God told me to go online and look under Faith Words and of course your Website is one of the first ones to pop up. I read and was fed. In other words your ministry confirms not only my beliefs but confirms God’s active Words in my life. Thanks, Again.
– Washington D.C.
In searching for info on Jesus breaking the curse of the law by becoming a curse – poverty, sickness, and death, I found your website. My husband and I are born-again Christians now for 33 years. Finding your site was definitely a Godincidence! Praise You Lord, Jesus!
– North Ft. Myers, Florida
Your ministry website contents have really built up our spirits and our faith in the Lord.
– Bungoma, Kenya, Africa
I have been overwhelmed with your teaching and it’s my desire to be a part of your ministry. You have really blessed us so much with your teachings on your website.
– Kenya, Africa
Working with your ministry produces total change, growth, and development with a deep sense of understanding.
– Harvest Ministry, Kenya
I thank God what your ministry is doing for His people.
– Kenya, Africa
I must thank God to have come a cross your web site some months ago. First, I am a Pastor in Kenya. I am married and blessed with a very wonderful family. I am sorry to regret after a long time that I had been lost and had lost many into traditions and not the will of God until I came a cross your teachings. God bless you and sustain you eternally
– Kenya, Africa
When I visited your website it was transforming, inspirational, and edifying.
– Kenya Africa
God bless you. I like your teaching on the anointing. It is powerful. Your ministry is a great blessing.
– Kenya, Africa
I have visited your website and have been blessed.
– Kampala, Uganda, Africa
I have been so blessed by your site. One day I was depressed and I just went to the Internet and searched “Faith.” I landed on Matthew Allaria Ministries. I was so blessed, my faith was increased, and I actually started encouraging some one else. From that day I love the website and would like to be a partner.
– Kampala, Uganda, Africa
Thank you for your website. We have been encouraged with your wonderful message.
– Kisii, Kenya, Africa