The study notes in this section are Matthew’s personal outlines and therefore they have not been edited. As a result, you will find some grammatical errors.

Through our covenant with God we have been offered a new identity. When we take on that identity it will produce a confidence in us that will keep us from turning back in the day of battle. In this powerful series, you will gain an understanding of your true identity as a covenant partner with God. When you understand who you are because of that covenant, it will produce a supernatural confidence and boldness in you that will cause you to stand strong and see victory in your life!

Covenant Strangers

FOUNDATION STATEMENT: As believers we have to develop a working consciousness of covenant. We must get to a place where we do everything with this covenant on our mind. It is our victory guaranteed in blood. – Ephesians 2:11-12 I. Being strangers of the covenant has...

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Your Covenant Identity

FOUNDATION STATEMENT: As believers, we must begin to live in the reality of our covenant identity. We are more than just “Christians” we are covenant people with almighty God. When you entered into covenant you took on a new identity.- Proverbs 18:24 I. God had bound...

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The Power Of The Blood Covenant

FOUNDATION STATEMENT: There’s power in the blood covenant. If we as believers are going to ever see the power of it working in our lives in fullness, then we must apply the pressure of faith, relying on it and only it. – Hebrews 9:16 I. There’s power in this blood...

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The Covenant Love Of God

I. Hesed/Agape Covenant Love A. Covenant love is Mercy; Chesed-kindness, loving kindness, favor, goodness; Unfailing love, loyal love, devotion, kindness, often based on a covenant relationship-Goodness, mercies, good deeds 1. This is the driving compassion to give –...

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Covenant Representatives

FOUNDATION STATEMENT: We are representatives of the New Covenant in the Earth-2 Corinthians 5:17-21 I. The fact that we are covenant people with almighty God should be undeniable and undeniable A. We are covenant people and the world should know it 1. God hid the mark...

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