FOUNDATION STATEMENT: In the Kingdom of God you must have a God-with-me consciousness. You must act as though it is you and God and not just you. – John 8:29
I. One of the main deceptions of the devil is that he wants you to act as though you have to accomplish the thing in your own natural ability without God
A. Satan wants you to think from the standpoint of your natural flesh
1. Satan wants you to look at the obstacle from the standpoint that you are a limited, natural being, without God
a. In other words, it’s you out there alone, w/o God, having to do something in your natural ability
b. He wants you to think that you have to accomplish the thing in your own wisdom, in your own power, and in your strength
2. When people look at situations from the standpoint of their flesh that keeps them from attacking the “impossible” and accomplishing things that are beyond their natural ability
a. When you think that you have to do it in your own power, you won’t go after the “impossible”
B. One thing that’s kept us from seeing the supernatural in our lives is we think that we got to do it
1. When we think we have to do it in our own natural ability, we go find something that we can do
a. We need to stop looking for stuff that we can do and start looking for stuff that God can do
2. EX: You don’t have to cancel your debts, you don’t have to provide the money, you don’t have to heal the body, you don’t have to do the impossible thing, you have to believe God
C. You are not without God. You are an ambassador sent from Heaven into the Earth and He that sent you is with you and He has not left you alone (John 8:28-29, 2 Corinthians 5:20)
1. He that sent me is with me and he has not left me to do this by myself
a. With God all things are possible (Luke 18:27, Mark 10:27)
1) Me and God can accomplish anything, so I’m not looking for something that “Me” can do, I’m looking for something that “We” can do
2. God being with you is a another way of saying you have the anointing of God
a. You have God’s super on your natural and it makes you supernatural
b. The anointing is the ability to accomplish anything “possible” or “impossible” (Philippians 4:13)
3. When you act as though you are without God it keeps you from accomplishing the supernatural
a. Become God inside-minded (1 John 4:4)
4. When you don’t do things God’s ways you are without God, meaning you don’t have access to his power
a. Jesus said, “He’s with me and has not left me alone because I always do those things that please him.”
1) He’s saying He’s with me because I’ve stuck with His system, I did things His way, and that gives me access to His power
II. When God called somebody to the impossible His comforting statement to them was always, “I am with you” and what He was saying was that you don’t have to do it in your natural ability, you have access to my power
A. People who were called to the impossible
1. 1 Samuel 17:25
a. The men of Israel didn’t go slay Goliath because they thought they had to do it in their own natural ability without God
1) Saul said, “THOU art not able to against this philistine,” but THOU wasn’t the only one going
a) Saul didn’t think David had the ability (strength, power) to kill Goliath because he thought David only had acces to his natural ability (strength, power)
b) 1 Samuel 18:14 – The Lord was with David
b. David knew that he didn’t have to do it in his own natural ability; He knew that God was with Him & that’s why he was so bold to attack such an impossible task
1) The Blood Covenant
a) Uncircumcised – God’s not with him
b) Circumcised – God’s with me
2) 45-In the name – It’s as if God himself his here
a) When you come in the name, you come in the authority of the person who’s name that is
b) Jehovah Tsebaoth – A reference to the dominion of God over all the powers of the universe
3) 46-The Lord will deliver you into my hand
4) 47-The battle is the Lord’s
2. Exodus 3:7-14 – Moses is called to bring the children of Israel out of Egypt and he thought he had to do it
a. Moses thought he had to do it in his natural ability at first and he knew he wasn’t qualified
1) 8-I AM come down do deliver them – Who’s going to deliver them? Not Moses, God.
2) 11-Who am I? – You aren’t much, but God is with you
3) Exodus 4:1,10 – Moses is telling God why he’s not qualified
b. God was with him and he had access to the power of God
1) Moses didn’t have to deliver the people out of bondage, he didn’t have part the Red Sea the power of God did it, Moses didn’t have to cause water to come out of rock the power of God did, Moses didn’t have to get bread to come from Heaven the power of God did it
3. Judges 6:12 – Gideon is called to deliver the children of Israel from the hand of the Midianites with 300 men and they got 135,000
a. 14-Gideon told God why he wasn’t qualified to do it, because he thought he had to do it
1) 16-God said, I am with you
4. Numbers 13-14
a. The children of Israel thought they had to do it and Joshua and Caleb were telling God’s with us
5. Joshua 1:1-9, Deuteronomy 31:23 – Joshua is called to bring the people into the promise land
a. Joshua didn’t have to do it in his natural ability, he had access to the power of God
1) The power of God parted the Jordan, The power of God caused the walls of Jericho to fall, The power of God stopped the sun and moon, the power of God got the people into the promise land
III. We are not the ones who have to do it, we just have to believe (Mark 9:23)
A. If you can believe all things are possible (Mark 9:23)
1. That didn’t say if you had the right job it’s possible, if you’re smart enough it’s possible, if your strong enough, it’s possible, it said if you can believe, it’s possible
a. Something being possible or impossible is not based on the level of your expertise, your education, or your strength, it’s based on your capacity to believe
B. When you believe you allow God to do it through you (John 14:9-12)
1. Jesus said, “It’s not me doing it,” it’s the Father dwelling in me, HE DOES the works
a. The God that was in Jesus was doing the works
2. When Jesus left he sent you the Holy Spirit and He is in you (John 16:7, 14:17, Romans 5:5)
a. That same Father that was in Jesus doing the works is the same Father that’s in you
C. Faith is qualifying factor that will determine how great of works the Father/the power of God does through you
1. He that believes on me; not he who is smart enough, strong enough, qualified enough (John 14:9-12)
a. Your level of faith is going to determine the amount of God’s power that you see flowing in your life
1) God can’t work through you except to the degree that you believe
2) You can hinder or enhance the flow of God’s power by the level of your faith
D. Your job is to believe
1. Your amount of time in the word is going to determine the level of your faith (Romans 10:17)
a. Your job is to increase your capacity to believe
E. God’s plan for Joshua to do the impossible (Joshua 1:1-8)
1. God tells Joshua to arise
a. Arise – To stand up, to arise (hostile sense), become powerful, come on the scene, to rouse, stir up to maintain oneself, to be established, to endure, to be fixed, to persist, to impose
b. You got to stir yourself up
2. God gives Him the promise – Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given to you
a. You got to have the promise
3. God tells Joshua who he is – No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life
a. You got to know who you are
4. God tells Joshua He is with Him
a. You got to know God’s with you
5. God gives him a guarantee – God will not fail him nor forsake him
a. You got to know the surety of the Word
6. God tells Joshua to be courageous
a. You got to have courage and fear not
7. God tells Joshua to do what Moses taught Him
a. You got to do what you know
8. God tells Joshua to meditate and confess the word
a. You got to stay in the Word
IV. The limit for what I can do is not my natural ability or power, it’s the ability and power of God
A. The power of God, that we have access to, has no limits
1. The unlimited power of God (Genesis 18:14, Numbers 11:23)
2. I’m not after things that I can do, I’m after what the power of God can do (1 John 4:4)
a. Do the things that you can’t do
B. The people who God are with
1. The people who God are with will prosper in everything that they do, wherever they are – Genesis 39:1-3, 20-21
2. The people who God are with will have favor, even with the world – Genesis 39:22-23
3. The people who God are with will prosper in famine – Genesis 26:1-4,12
4. The people who God are with will not be overpowered, conquered, or dominated by the devil – Acts 10:38
5. The people who God are with will accomplish great things and the world will take notice Joshua – 6:27
6. The people who God are with will speak it and God will bring it to pass – 1 Samuel 3:19
7. The people who the Lord are with will bring fear upon their enemies – 1 Samuel 18:12
8. The people who the Lord are with we see great increase in every area – 2 Chronicles 1:1
a. Magnify – To be or make large as in body, mind, estate or honor, bring up, exceed, excellent, to become greater in estate, things, to increase, to promote, to grow, become great or important, make powerful, do great things
b. The people who God are with will be in great authority and have great riches – 2 Chronicles 17:3-5
9. The people who God are with will draw a crowd – 2 Chronicles 15:9
10. The people who God are with will win battles that they shouldn’t win – Deuteronomy 20:1-4, Isaiah 43:2
11. The people who God are with do not walk in fear – Psalm 23:4