The study notes in this section are Matthew’s personal outlines and therefore they have not been edited.  As a result, you will find some grammatical errors.

Activating The Kingdom

FOUNDATION STATEMENT: The Kingdom of God system is not activated because you’re in need; it’s activated when you engage in the principles of it. – Matthew 6:8

I. God was moved by your need and he met every need that you would ever have at the foundation of the world

A. God is finished where obtaining and providing your victory is concerned

1. Hebrews 4:3 – For we who have believed (adhered to and trusted in and relied on God) do enter that rest, in accordance with His declaration that those [who did not believe] should not enter when He said, As I swore in My wrath, They shall not enter My rest; and this He said although [His] works had been completed and prepared [and waiting for all who would believe] from the foundation of the world.

a. Revelation 13:8 – Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world

b. Eph 1:3-We were blessed w/ all spiritual blessing b4 the foundation of the world

c. John 17:23-24 – God started loving you before the foundation of the world

2. God knows what you have need of before you ask him (Matthew 6:8)

a. God knew what you would need before you were ever here and he provided it

1) God’s finished where obtaining and providing your need is concerned

B. In this Kingdom of God system, we got to get rid of the thinking that we are waiting on God to obtain and provide

1. Where obtaining and providing is concerned God’s finished

2. 2 Chronicles 16:9, Isaiah 30:18 (AMP) – God is waiting on us

II. God has provided a system of laws and principles that we must get involved in to receive the provision that he has provided

A. God, the power of God, and the system of God are not activated and moved into action because there is a need. They are activated and moved into when somebody engages the system that activates them.

1. God provided the provision for every need that we would ever have, then he set up spiritual law connected to that provision, that when we engage in the principles of the law we receive the provision.

B. If God is such a God of love why doesn’t He do something? Why doesn’t God provide for all of the poor people in the world today? Why does God allow Christians to die? Why doesn’t God protect them? Well, why doesn’t God save all of the sinners in the world today?

1. A sinner is in need of salvation so why isn’t God moved by that need and why doesn’t He save him? God’s already been moved by the need of salvation for the sinner. Salvation is waiting for the sinner. (2 Peter 3:9)

a. It’s clear that God can’t save the sinner without the sinner getting involved in the principles that activate the law of salvation (Romans 10:8)

1) A person can’t get saved without the engaging in the law necessary to do so

a) The provision of salvation is connected to the law

b) Apart from the law he cannot get the salvation

2) If a sinner desires salvation what must he do? He must engage in the law of salvation

b. It’s clear that when the sinner gets involved in the principles that activate the law of salvation that nothing on this Earth or not on this Earth can keep them from getting saved because they got involved in a law.

1) When the principles of a law are applied and that law is activated there is no thing that can keep that law from producing.

2) Every person that’s ever done Romans 10:8 has gotten saved b/c it’s a law

a) A law means that when you do this, this happens. Every time.

c. When a person’s in need of salvation, it’s vitally important that they understand the principles that activate that law to meet that need; they don’t need God to move where their salvation is concerned because He’s already moved where their salvation is concerned and salvation is waiting on them. They need the Holy Spirit to give them understanding of the law he provided.

1) Are there people who thought they could do something else to get saved & found out they couldn’t? Did not understanding the law of salvation cost them?

a) They desperately needed to get understanding of the law

b) People are not going to hell today because of God’s unwillingness to move where their salvation is concerned. They’re going to hell because of the ignorance of the law.

2. A poor person is in need of prosperity so why doesn’t God move & provide for them? God’s already been moved by the need the poor. Prosperity is waiting on the poor.

a. They don’t need God to move where their poverty is concerned; they need the Holy Spirit to give them understanding of the principles that make the law of prosperity work.

1) 1. Walk in love 2. Tithe 3. Give 4. Sow the word 5.Faith

2) Is it clear that the poor can’t prosper without getting involved in the principles that activate the law of prosperity?

3) Is it clear that if the poor do get involved in the principles that no thing on this Earth can keep them poor?

b. People are not poor today b/c of God’s unwillingness to move where their poverty is concerned, people are poor today b/c of their ignorance of the law.

1) We need to preach prosperity to poor people and salvation to sinners because they need understanding of the laws

3. God’s already been moved by the need of protection for the Christian. Protection is waiting on them. (Psalm 91, Isaiah 54:17, 1 John 5:18)

C. When a person is in a condition that God has redeemed them from they need to get understanding of the law for their situation.

1. Understanding the Law is the vital thing

2. It’s not God’s unwillingness to move in their behalf that’s keeping them in that condition, it’s their ignorance of the law

D. What we’ve wanted is God to do something without us learning, understanding, and then applying the principles that activate the law that He provided for us

1. We’ve gotten the idea that God will do something apart from us doing this word/the law

a. As a whole we’ve been a people who when something goes wrong, we want to blame God and make him responsible

b. When you deny responsibility for where you are at, you defer the authority necessary to get to where want to be

2. Make your way prosperous (Joshua 1:8)

a. Joshua made his way prosperous by getting involved in the law

1) If Joshua didn’t prosper whose fault was it?

3. It’s possible for believers to neglect all the things that God has obtained, provided, and prepared for them (Hebrews 2:1-3)

a. When they transgressed the it was a just recompense of reward got because they violated the law

b. We can’t escape these terrible things if we are careless & make light of our salvation

c. We are careless with our salvation and make light of our salvation when we don’t pay attention to the laws of it

1) When you are careless and make light of the law, you’re careless and making light of the salvation

d. How can we escape poverty if we neglect prosperity by not paying attention the law of prosperity? How can we escape sickness if we neglect healing by not paying attention to the law of healing?

1) If we are going to escape these evil things then we cannot neglect the laws of escape

4. You work out your own salvation by getting involved in the laws of it (Phil 2:12)

a. Your rescue, your deliverance, and your safety are completed, prepared, and waiting for you. Work out those things by learning, understanding, and applying the laws of them.

5. If I know the law & I know how it works then I can turn it on anytime I need to

a. Too many times we’ve dealt in faith accidents while the whole time God’s wanting us to deal in spiritual law

E. When we are in need we must understand that God has already moved, obtained, and provided where that need is concerned. Now we have to engage in the system and activate the law to see that need met.

1. The Kingdom of God system is not activated because you’re in need, it’s activated when you engage in it (Matthew 6:33)

a. The Kingdom of God is a system of laws and principles that’s designed to meet any need that you would ever have. However, this system is not on turned by your need. The laws and principles of this system are activated when you engage in them.

1) When you need flight, there is a law of lift that has been provided to produce flight. The law of lift is not activated because of your need to fly. It’s activated when you engage in the principles that make the law work, and then through the law your need is met.

2) My job is to seek the Kingdom (Matthew 6:33)

a) Seek – Look for, strive for, desire, go about, inquire, research, demand something from someone

b) In the Kingdom of God system we have to engage in the principles of the law; apart from engaging the law there can be no results

b. Too many times, as believers, we are waiting on God to move where our need is concerned, when God has already been moved by our need and met our need. In this system of the Kingdom of God, God is finished where obtaining and providing your needs is concerned.

1) God’s provided a system of laws and principles that when we work the system of laws and principles we can get the things that we need to complete our assignment here on the Earth.

2. Mark 5:25-34

a. The anointing wasn’t released because somebody was in need, the anointing was released because somebody applied the laws and principles necessary to make the withdrawal

1) If need was the activator of the anointing then everybody who was in need that day would have seen that anointing work in their lives

b. Thy Faith – What you did has made you whole, the principles you applied

1) She engaged in something; she heard, she said, she acted

3. Matt 13:53-58, Mark 7:5-6 – He couldn’t do mighty works because of their unbelief

a. There were things that needed to be done, people were in need, but they wouldn’t engage in the system necessary to get the need met

b. Why didn’t Jesus heal them anyway? He couldn’t b/c the law wasn’t applied.

1) We’re dealing with spiritual law here

III. The Word of God is the law of liberty (James 1:25)

A. A law is something that will produce the same results every time all the time no matter what as long as the principles of that law are applied

1. A law is something that has a predictable outcome

a. If a person abides by certain principles there is a predetermined outcome

b. You’re not going to apply the principles of a law and get inconsistent results

c. EXAMPLE: Gravity – you’re not going to jump off of a building and float one time and fall the other

2. The only prerequisite for a law to work is that the principles must be applied

a. The Law of Lift – Thrust over drag = lift

1) If thrust or drag isn’t there you cannot fly

b. If the law doesn’t work we must assume the principles aren’t in place

1) If the principles were in place and the law didn’t work it’s not a law

3. The Word of God is spiritual law that has the predetermined outcome of freedom (James 1:25, John 8:32-34)

a. James 1:25, Psalm 103:19 – The Kingdom of God system rules over all and will free me in any situation

1) Perfect – faultless – You can rely on the Word; you’ll never do the Word and the Word not work

a) Joshua 1:5 – I the Word will not fail you

2) Liberty – Freedom, not bound

a) The word will leave you totally and completely free whatever you need to be free from

b. John 8:28-32

1) What’s Jesus saying here?

a) He does what the Father has taught him

b) He speaks what the Father has taught him

c) If you continue in my word – The word that father taught me that I’m speaking to you

d) You’ll know the truth that that the Father taught me and the truth that I know and do

e) That truth that Father taught me and the truth that I do is the same truth that I’m teaching you and as free as it made me, it will make you

1. He’s given you the same law that he used so that you can be as free as him

2) You can’t be free without knowing the truth or the law

a) The truth or the law is what the Word says makes you free

3) You have to continue in the word to know the truth

a) Continue – to stay (in a given place) – abide, continue, dwell, endure, be present, remain, stand

b) A person can’t know the law without continuing in the Word and if you don’t know the law you can’t be free

1. Continuing in the word is going to be keep to being free

B. As believers we got to renew our minds to the truth that the Word is spiritual law

1. If you believe this is spiritual law, then you have to believe that it works every time for anybody who gets involved in it

a. If you believe this is law, then “sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn’t” is not an option

1) If you believe this is spiritual law, then if it didn’t work, you must believe that the principles weren’t applied

a) For a person to say they applied the principles and the law didn’t work is for them to say that God’s a liar and the Bible is not spiritual law

b. Laws are no respecter of persons or time

1) Acts 10:34 – God’s no respecter of persons; He’s a God of spiritual law

a) John 3:15, Mark 11:23, Deuteronomy 30:19 – This is a whosoever will book

2) EX: Gravity doesn’t care what color you are or what’s going in the economy; if you get involved in the principles of the law of gravity it will work every time for everybody.

a) The law of prosperity will work the same way in the United States as they will in the poorest nation on the Earth.

b) The law of healing will work for somebody who has a stuffed nose and they’ll work the same way for somebody who has a terminal illness.

3) The law doesn’t care what’s going on around it, it’s going to produce the results it always produces (Jeremiah 17:7)

a) Laws work every time no matter what, that’s what makes them laws

b) If you abide by these principles then this will happen, under any circumstances no matter who you are

2. If you believe this is spiritual law, then you are forced to believe that there is something that you have to do to get the law to work

a. Laws only work when the principles are applied

1) In this system you can’t say well, “God is sovereign and in control so I’m just going to sit and wait.”

2) We’ve religiously said that God is in control and it’s caused us to ignore the principles that enable God to be in control

a) God is not in control in your life, you’re in control, and you determine what laws are turned on

b. If you believe this is spiritual law then “God knows what I need” is not an option

1) EX: You can call a pizza place and tell them you need a pizza, but that’s not going to get that law to work. There are some principles that you have to apply. You have to tell them what kind you want, where you live, and pay them money. If you apply those principles the law of pizza delivery will work.

3. If you believe this is spiritual law, then you are forced to believe that there is nobody that can keep it from working, but the one who applies the principles

a. You can’t blame the devil, God, or your pastor if you believe this spiritual law

1) If you believe this spiritual law and it didn’t work for you then who needs to make a change?

2) This is a no excuse system

b. Nobody and no thing can keep you from it when you have the law

1) Joshua 1:5 – No man can stand before you or keep you from it when you have the law

2) Romans 8:31 – If God before you, who dare come against you

c. The only thing that can keep a law from working is if the principles aren’t applied

1) Satan wants to keep you from applying the principles

2) If you do apply the principles of the law there is no devil in hell that can keep the law from working

d. When you apply the law of the word, evil can be abounding, but good will much more abound (Romans 5:20)

IV. We cannot to take our education in the Kingdom of God lightly if we want to become proficient in working the system of God effectively. As believers we’ve taken our education in the Kingdom of God lightly and because of it we’ve lacked knowledge about the laws and principles of this system.

A. The importance of learning the Word

1. Hosea 4:6 – Not knowing the spiritual law of God’s Word can keep you from things that are rightfully yours

a. Destroyed – Cut off — When you are cut off from something, there’s something there that you can’t get to

1) Can not knowing the law of salvation, cut you off from salvation? Can not knowing the law of healing cut you off from healing? Can not knowing the law of prosperity cut you off from prospering?

b. This all began because they rejected knowledge

1) They despised it and refused it and it cost them

2) A person who has little to no hunger for the Word of God will be cut off from most of the provision that God has for them because they don’t know the laws necessary to access the provision

c. Proverbs 13:13 – If the Word is not significant to you destruction will be the results

1) We can say the Word is significant to us, but once again our actions speak louder than our words

2) Destroyed – To be bound

a) If you despise learning and understanding the law of liberty you’re going to be left in bondage to things

2. Luke 10:38-42-She sat at Jesus’ feet & heard is word and that was the needful thing

3. Continuing in the Word is key in knowing the law (John 8:32-33)

a. Joshua 1:8 – Meditate the Word day and night

1) He’s meditating the Word so that he can understand to do it

2) Joshua is going to take the law/word that he’s been meditating day and night and he’s going to make his way prosperous

b. Psalm 1:1-3-He delights in the Word – We got to delight in the Word

1) He meditates it day and night

2) He prospers in everything that he does because he knows the law

B. Psalm 119 – The love, respect, delight, and desire for the Lord

1. Teach me your way Lord (12,18,19,25-27,33,34,64,66,68,73,108,124,125,135,144,169)

a. Psalm 25:4, 27:11, 86:11, 119:27, 33 – Teach me your way

b. Psalm 32:8-9 – I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go

1) Psalm 25:9 – The meek he will teach His ways

2. I delight in Your Word (14,16,24,35,47.48,70,77,97,103,113,119,127,143,162,163, 174)

3. The respect for the Word

C. Understanding

1. Proverbs 2:2 (AMP) – Apply your heart to understanding

a. We should put forth great effort where the Word is concerned

2. Proverbs 2:6 – Out of God’s mouth comes understanding

a. The Word is understanding and it is knowledge

3. Proverbs 2:11-12 – Understanding will keep you

a. Understanding these laws will keep you protected from evil

4. Proverbs 3:13 – That man who has understanding is happy

a. When you understand these laws and can work them on purpose you’ll be happy

5. Proverbs 4:5-7 – In all your getting get understanding

a. God places a high priority on understanding and you can’t get understanding without the Word

6. Proverbs 9:10 – The knowledge of God is understanding

a. Hosea 4:6 – People are destroyed because the lack understanding

7. Proverbs 10:13 – A person who lacks understanding will pay the price

a. There’s judgment for lacking understanding and making wrong choices

8. Proverbs 13:13-15 (AMP) – Understanding will bring favor

9. Proverbs 15:14 (AMP) – The guy who has understanding seeks knowledge through the Word, but the fool feeds on foolishness

a. To have understanding of the Word you got to be hungry for it

10. Proverbs 15:32 – The person that gets offended and refuses instruction despise his own soul, but the person who receives correction and obeys it will get understanding

11. Proverbs 16:16 – The value of understanding

a. Understanding these laws is one of the most valuable things that we can obtain

12. Proverbs 16:22 – Understanding is a well spring of life

13. Prov 18:2 (AMP)-A fool has no delight in understanding; only in his own opinions

14. Proverbs 19:8 (AMP) – The guy who keeps understanding will find good

a. Understanding these law will lead me to good things and to prosperity

15. Proverbs 21:16 – That man who wonders away from understanding will remain in the congregation of the dead

a. The people who wonder away from the word, will continue to be people who bear no fruit