Partnership Principles
Our partnership will be based on the principles of partnership from the Word of God.
This God-ordained partnership will never be about what you can do for us. It will always be about what we can do for you. We are all about you and about meeting the needs of our partners and people all around the world. We will never do anything to pressure you to meet our needs financially or any other way.
This partnership is about how much more we can accomplish together than we ever could as individuals. We want to give people the opportunity to be a part of what God is doing through this ministry.
Our responsibility to you is to be a part of your spiritual growth and progress as a believer. We will be diligent in study and prayer, receiving revelation knowledge from God so that we can preach the uncompromised word to you, enabling you to grow in the Word of God.
When you become a partner with this ministry you will never go a day without prayer. Through this partnership, our commitment to you is to set our faith in agreement with yours believing that you are walking in the fullness of God’s Word. We desire to see you experiencing God’s best in every area of your life.
What does this partnership require of me? Partnership in any situation is always based on relationship and relationship always requires commitment on the part of all parties involved. Partnership with this ministry requires no financial commitment whatsoever. All we ask of you is that you pray and seek God’s wisdom on what He wants you to do where this ministry is concerned. He will reveal it to you and when He does, just do what He says.
We consider it an honor to have you as a partner with this ministry. The fact that you’ve made us a part of your walk with God and your spiritual growth is a responsibility that we do not take lightly. We will preach the Word of God to you in an uncompromised manner and we will do it with all of our might so that you can experience victory in every area of your life. We are going to fill you up with revelation knowledge from the Word of God and equip you in every way we can to see to it that you walk in the victory that Jesus obtained for you on the cross at Calvary.